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Risk-free Rx Savings Analysis It is not all fun and games here at ProAct. We work hard to be different and to bring a fresh perspective to pharmacy benefits. Why? As employee owners, we care. A LOT.
So let's connect. We're ready to show you how we're different. Call Today! 1-888-254-3552
100% Employee-Owned
24/7/365 Customer Support
TEA PBM Partner
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“Having worked with other PBMs in the past, I can confidently say that their financial offering, service, and commitment to our employee owners is at a level that genuinely only a fellow ESOP could provide.”

- PBW, President

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The ESOP Advantage

  • Each employee has a vested interest in ensuring that we put our best foot forward.
  • We don’t answer to Wall Street. Decisions are not made solely based on what will appease analysts and shareholders.
  • Being bought or sold is highly unlikely. Our clients avoid the hardship of having to go through a merger or acquisition.
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